The pictures that follow have not been 'enhanced' or specially selected for web presentation. They the same as if you had just received a roll of film back from developing and are opening the package. All of the digital pictures taken are shown including the good ones, the mediocre ones and the not so good ones.



Pine Barrens Explorers
April 30, '00 Exploration
Lookin' for Swamp Pink

Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000algea on the stream bottomBob directing attention to another goodie!turtle - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000Swamp Pink, Helonias bullata - April 30, 2000one if by land, two if by sea, three in a canoeCurly Grass Fern, Schizaea pusilla - April 30, 2000Curly Grass Fern, Schizaea pusilla - April 30, 2000Luna Moth, Actias luna - April 30, 2000Luna Moth, Actias luna - April 30, 2000Luna Moth, Actias luna - April 30, 2000Wanna throw your boots back here when you get across?Ya see this? This is a bridge! Bridges are used to cross streams.Highbush Blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum - April 30, 2000Red Maple, Acer rubrum - April 30, 2000 in a that's interesting...I know I'll get a better view from up here...moss on tree root - April 30, 2000moss on tree root - April 30, 2000a little further, little further, little further, just a little more...ah ha! It's a...                          ...damn ballonstick with twisted woodgrain bends & moss in light/shadowmoths fallen into pingo(a pond) - April 30, 2000Highbush Blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum - April 30, 2000Bull Frog tadpole, Rana catesbeiana - April 30, 2000

Pine Barrens Explorers
Feb 27, '00 Exploration


Pine Barrens Explorers
Jan 22, '00 Exploration

Pine Barrens Explorers
Jan 31, '99 Exploration

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The background picture is a highly modified picture of Jointweed, Polygonella articulata.

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